In 2022, the Otto-Sapleck-Stiftung award went to a team of five young students for their innovative software system.

With their software solution, the students from the Computer Science.Software Systems course optimised the association process of the “Verein Deutscher Distanzreiter”. In close cooperation with the association’s board of directors, the processes were first analysed in detail before they were redesigned in such a way that they could be mapped in a computer programme.

Before digitalisation, the association’s processes were for the most part manual, lenghty and non-transparent. Thanks to the innovative softwares system developed by the computer science students, the registration of new members, the registration of long-distance rides and the complete association-specific membership administration can now be done online as self-service. In addition, the software system can be easily used on a wide variety of any devices.

In keeping with the theme of digitalisation, the award ceremony took place in a digital setting due to the Covid19 situation.

Digitale Preisverleihung der Otto-Spaleck-Stiftung für die Projektarbeit der Informatik-Studenten

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