Wing-Award – Night of the Wings

The “Night of the Wings” celebrated its successfull premiere on 25 April 2024 as a network meeting for industrial engineering at the Westfälische Hochschule Bocholt campus. The event presented groundbreaking projects from research and teaching on the Industrial Engineering degree programme in short keynote speeches. In addition to fascinating insights into practical project reports and […]

Award-winning project work Computer Science 2024

Ausgezeichnete Projektarbeit Informatik 2024

Students on the Master’s degree program in Computer Science – Intelligent Systems have successfully completed their two-semester Master’s project. Their aim was to design, build and successfully commission a Farmbot. The outdoor area of the Westphalian University of Applied Sciences in Bocholt offered ideal conditions for the Farmbot, a robot with advanced sensors and actuators […]

Awarded Project Work 2024 – Bionics

Otto-Spaleck-Stiftung verleiht Publikumspreis an Bionik Studenten

The 5th semester of the bionics degree program is dedicated to practical implementation! In this year’s semester project, 12 bionics students were given the task of developing new, innovative fans that are characterized by improved energy efficiency, reduced noise generation and effective anti-icing. In cooperation with the company ZIEHL-AGEBB SE from Künzelsau, which specializes in […]

Award-winning project 2022 – Computer Science

In 2022, the Otto-Sapleck-Stiftung award went to a team of five young students for their innovative software system. With their software solution, the students from the Computer Science.Software Systems course optimised the association process of the “Verein Deutscher Distanzreiter”. In close cooperation with the association’s board of directors, the processes were first analysed in detail […]

Bionics nature trail at the Westphalian University of Applied Sciences Bocholt

Einweihung des Bionik-Lehrpfades an der WH Bocholt

The Otto-Spaleck-Stiftung is supporting an educational trail on the subject of bionics at the university in Bocholt. This explains what this science is all about in a familiy-friendly way. In bionics, phenomena from nature are transferred to technology and made usable. These include the lotus effect, which is about self-cleaning surfaces, the unique cooling structure […]

Campus Day 2022 at the Westphalian University of Applied Sciences Bocholt

Campustag an der Westfälischen Hochschule

As part of the celebrations for the 800th anniversary of the city of Bocholt, the Westphalian University opened its doors to prospective students and citizens on 21 May 2022. With the support of the Otto-Spaleck-Stiftung, an exciting supporting programme was put together. The WHS presented its study programmes in exctiting lectures and hands-on activities, and […]

Award-winning project 2022 – Bionics

This year’s semester project of the bionics course at the Westphalian Univresity of Applied Sciences in Bocholt was all about the topic “be prepared”. A total of 41 bionics students developed technical approaches to solveing tomorrow’s unforeseeable challenges in future scenarios they created themselves. In addition to computer-aided development tolls such as 3D printers, the […]

Award-winning project 2023 – Bionics

As part of this year’s semester project, 24 bionics students from Westphalian University of Applied Sciences in Bocholt dealt with the topic of safety. In cooperation with Haake Technik GmbH from Vreden, they developed solutions to increase the safety of people dealing with the increasing automation of work tasks. After the kick-off event, with contact […]